@ Spiral's Rest ~

Zampanio (original) - 1972?

Platform: Unknown


If the widely claimed release date of 1972 is correct, that would put the original release of Zampanio a few years before the release of the first Atari. It seems unlikely that it was released for one of the few older home video game consoles, such as the Magnavox Odyssey, due to the extremely simple graphics and lack of text. I can see a few possibilities:

1. It was released as an arcade game. I don't think this option is terribly likely, for reasons I'll get into later, but it /*would*/ explain the seeming impossibility of finding a copy. Many arcade games from the 70's have not been preserved

2. Mainframe


4. Incorrect date

Args against arcade: Complexity of Zampanio compared to early arcade games, early arcade games were not text-heavy, Zampanio not suited to arcade format (play for set time/until you lose and then insert coin) but rather for longer, uninterrupted sessions

Zampanio (DOS version) - ?

Platform: MSDOS


ZampanioSimulator - 2021

Platform: Browser


A simulation of Zampanio by jR. Most development was done based on a FAQ for Zampanio on GameFAQs, which has apparently since been taken down, though near the end of the dev log, they claim to have found and played a copy of Zampanio. As it's unknown what version of Zampanio they played, as well as how accurate the FAQ may have been, it is unclear how much and in what ways ZampanioSim differs from the original.

Zampanio (Manyland) - 20XX

Platform: Browser (Manyland)



Manyland was a sort of browser-based MMO that let players create new areas with custom art, as well as items, NPCs, etc. Manylands was online from July 29th, 2013 to February 29th, 2024, when it closed due to lack of budget. The website currently hosts a number of screenshots on the former pages of various areas, though not nearly all of them. Zampanio is one such area which lacks a "museum" page. It was also unable to be recovered via https://areabackup.com/. It's unknown what the Zampanio Manyland area was like. If anyone has played it, let me know so I can provide more details.

Zampanio (version from FAQ) - ?

Platform: PC?


Entry for the version which the FAQ was based on. The dead GameFAQs link had it in the PC category, though it is possible it could have been miscategorized.

Zampanio (version jR played) - ?

Platform: PC?


Entry for the version played by jR. May or may not be the same version the FAQ was for. Presumed to be PC due to jR not mentioning any extra steps such as emulation. Apparently was found in a PowerPoint?? Need to look into that more.

Zampanio - ?

Platform: Playstation


RPG/Platformer hybrid

Zampanio? - 199X?

Platform: Sega Saturn


Zampanio - ?

Platform: Pinball machine


A pinball machine with highly complicated gimmicks. Likely made extensive use of magnetism and complex moving parts. One account seems to suggest mirrors were involved? Suspected to not have been widely purchased due to high manufacturing cost.

Zampanio - 1994

Platform: MaizeOS 3.1


What even is a MaizeOS?

Edit: Okay, apparently it's a system for some obscure line of PCs back in the 90's. This version was an RPG with ASCII art graphics. Apparently had a former release for MaizeOS 3.0 in 1992. The graphics have been described as similar to Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.

Zampanio - 20XX

Platform: Gamecube


Reportedly a visual novel.

Update: More info on this. hS obtained a copy of this version from a promotion at a game store. It seems to have been a licensed game, as far as they were able to tell. See here for more info and speculation.

Zampanio - ?

Platform: Board Game


There is speculation that this could have predated Zampanio as a video game.

Zampanio - 20XX

Platform: Nintendo DS


Were these ports to various Nintendo platforms even licensed by Nintendo? They're pretty picky about who can make games for their systems, though they let up a little during the 3DS/Wii U era. Flash carts were definitely available during the DS era, so unliscensed games could definitely be played... Not sure about Gamecube. Need to look into this more.

Zampanio - ?

Platform: PC?


Found on a USB being handed around the computer lab at an elementary school.

????? (fanhack) - ?

Platform: PC?


Fanhack of the previous entry. Found online. The graphics, interface, names, and music were different.

Zampanio - 19XX?

Platform: CYOA Book


Encountered at a used book sale. Reportedly featured a minotaur and eyes. Speculated to have been published between the 50's and 90's. Described as having a kind of pulp fiction look.

Zam2anio - 2023

Platform: Windows


A spiritual successor to Zampanio developed by Hydrazoa Games.